Home / About Our Christmas Trees / Fraser Fir Christmas Tree

Fraser fir was named for John Fraser (1750-1811), a Scot botanist who explored the southern Appalachian Mountains in the late 18th century. Needles are ½ to 1 inch long, have a broad circular base, and are usually dark green on the upper surface and lighter on the lower surface.
Cut Your Own: TBD
Fresh Cut: TBD
(Size and availability may change as the season progresses.)
Cut your own trees are tagged with the price
The average cost for trees 8′ and under is $16 per foot. Larger premium trees may be more per foot.
Colored trees are an additional $4 per foot.
We offer a selection of fresh-cut trees at various prices. Fresh-cut trees may be supplemented with hand-selected trees from other farms.
All price tags include sales tax. Please do not remove the price tag.
VISA and Master Card accepted.
Hand saws provided.